
[해외][퀘스트바] 퀘스트 바 블루베리 머핀 (12)
Quest Nutrition Bar Blueberry Muffin (12)

>> 제품특징 <<
- 프로틴바 한개당 20g의 프로틴이 함유되어있습니다
- 식이섬유가 풍부하게 들어있습니다.
- 1g의 설탕외에는  인공감미료는 첨가되어있지 않습니다.
- 바쁜 아침 식사 대용으로 좋습니다

>> 복용법 <<
- 바쁜 아침 식사 대용으로 섭취하세요

>> 보관방법 <<
- 서늘하고 건조한곳에 보관하세요.
- 어린 아이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.

>> 꿀팁 <<
- 전자렌지에 20~30초 돌려 먹으면 따끈따끈~ 말랑말랑~ 더 맛있어요.
- 전자렌지에 가열 시 반드시 포장지는 빼고 내용물만 넣어주세요. (은박지라서 불날수 있음)

Quest Bar Overview

Quest Nutrition Quest Bars are the first real healthy high protein & high fiber bars without added sugars or other junk flavor enhancers. Quest Bars naturally taste great because they contain delicious whole food ingredients like fresh almonds, chicory root fiber and premium whey and milk isolate proteins, lightly sweetened with natural flavors instead of sugars! Quest Bars are perfect for those on low-carb diets, ketogenic diets and those looking to add lean muscle without gaining body fat. The high fiber content of each Quest Bar helps keep you full longer and doesn’t shoot your insulin levels to the moon like many other protein bars.

Each Quest bar has an absolutely terrific nutritional macronutrient profile. A quick look at the label informs you that each bar contains 20 grams of protein, 18 grams of dietary fiber, 9 grams of healthy fats and only 4 grams of non-fiber carbohydrates. Quest bar beats out all of its competitors who simply hide their unhealthy candy bars behind the mask of added protein, tricking you into thinking their bars are healthy. Would you consider eating sugar-packed candy with a protein shake a healthy meal? Probably not, and that’s exactly what those other bars nutritional profiles resemble. There’s no tricks with Quest Bar; each bar is made from real whole foods like chicory root fiber, almond butter, dry roasted almonds, sea salt and natural flavors and contains premium protein from milk protein isolates and whey protein isolates.

If you’re looking for a truly healthy high protein meal replacement bar, you simply can’t go wrong with Quest Nutrition Quest Bar. Their bars come in multiple delicious flavors and we recommend putting each one in the microwave for 10 seconds for a warm, delicious anytime treat that’s actually really good for you!

Quest Bar Description from Quest Nutrition

For years, streusel-topped, buttery blueberry muffins have been calling out to you in the latte line. Take a bite out of your urges with the Blueberry Muffin Quest Bar, full of succulent berries and chewy cobbler inclusions. With 21g of protein and 5g net carbs, this bar is a #CheatClean stud muffin.
