뉴챕터 브랜드

(뉴챕터) 자이플라멘드 수면도움 영양제 (60정)
New Chapter Zyflamend Nighttime (60)

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-  60캡슐 (1개월분)

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-  뉴쳅터는 올가닉 건강기능식품을 만드는 브랜드로 유기농,Non-GMO를 추구합니다.
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-  하루 2정을 물과함께 섭취하세요.

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-  본 제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닙니다.
-  알레르기 체질이거나 특이체질인 경우 의사선생님과 상담하고 드시길 바랍니다.
-  의사처방, 의사처방전을 받고 의약품을 복용하고 계신 경우 (혈압, 당뇨등) 섭취 전 의사선생님과 상담 후 섭취하시길 바랍니다.
-  어린 아이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.

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-  직사광선이 없는 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하세요.

New Chapter Zyflamend™ Nighttime Description
Supports a Restful Night's Sleep
Supports Deep and Satisfying Sleep
Includes Whole-Food Antioxidants to Support Healthy Aging
100% Vegetarian
Non-GMO Project Verified
Naturally Gluten Free
Herbal. Holistic. Health.™
Formulated for Nighttime - Many of the herbs in Zyflamend, such as Turmeric and Ginger, have been traditionally used to support human health and longevity in cultures around the world. For those seeking the support of Zyflamend in a soothing evening formulation, Zyflamend Nighttime delivers targeted herbs including Lemon Balm, Hops, Chamomile and Valerian.
The New Chapter Difference - New Chapter's supplements are whole food, easy for the body to recognize and absorb. Using only supercritical CO2 and traditional extraction methods, New Chapter's pure and potent herbal extracts deliver the full spectrum of valuable phytonutrients from the fines herbs.
Herbal Sleep Support - Zyflamend™ Nighttime combines multiple time-tested herbs, including Chamomile, Hops and Lemon Balm to safely and gently support deep, restful sleep.
Power of Whole Herbs - Zyflamend Nighttime’s proprietary herbal blend delivers the full-spectrum of whole herbs, not isolated compounds.
Whole Body Benefits - The multi-herbal that may be as important as your daily multivitamin, Zyflamend Nighttime delivers a multitude of naturally occurring compounds.
Antioxidant Action - Whole-food antioxidants, including Ginger and Turmeric, help quench free radicals and support healthy aging.
Super Pure & Potent - Our full-spectrum process extracts precious plant compounds to preserve Nature’s full complexity, delivering a super-pure, super-potent herbal extract.

Suggested Use: Two capsules with food one hour before bedtime. Do not exceed suggested use. Not recommended for use in children.
Free Of
Gluten, GMO.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
