
라이프 익스텐션 (Life Extension)사는 35년 전통의 의료과학 기반의 건강기능식품 제조회사로서
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이제 미국에 가지 않아도 라이프 익스텐션(Life Extension) 제품을 미자에서 쉽게 구매하실 수 있습니다.


(라이프 익스텐션) 지중해 트림 시네트롤 (체지방분해 도움) (60정)
Life Extension Mediterranean Trim with Sinetrol XPur (60)
>>  포장 단위  <<
-  60 식물성 캡슐 (1개월분)

>>  제품 설명  <<
-  1 정당 체지방 분해에 도움이 되는 시네스테롤 450mg 성분이 함유되어 있습니다.
-  지중해 감귤류에서 추출한 리파아제 (lipase) 성분을 특화시킨 시네스테롤 성분은 지방세포 분해와 관련된 성분입니다.
-  1정당 10mg의 카페인이 함유되었습니다.
-  유전자 조작 식품으로 제조하지 않은 제품입니다. (Non-GMO)
-  GMP Certified(Good Manufacturing Practice) 미국 제조 품질관리 기준 인증을 받은 제품입니다.

>> 섭취 방법 <<
-  하루에 1정을 2회 아침 점심시간대에 물과 함께 섭취하세요.

>> 주의 사항 <<
- 어린이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하십시오.
- 실온에서 건조한 곳에 뚜껑을 꼭 닫아 보관하세요.

Life Extension Mediterranean Trim with Sinetrol™-XPur Description
Clinically Validated Citrus Blend for Weight Management
People today pursue diets to lose weight, often with unsatisfactory results. A Mediterranean diet and lifestyle can not only make you look and feel great but help you live longer and healthier.


Jump-Start Your Weight-Loss Program

In overweight individuals, fat cells have less than optimal function of an enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase. This enzyme is required to help break down stored fat and burn it for energy. As these individuals become more overweight, their cells are less effective at removing stored fat.


Studies reveal that biologically active flavonoids from Mediterranean citrus fruits and South American seed extracts initiate a chain of events that help support the function of this fat-removing cellular enzyme. Clinical research demonstrates that taking 450 mg twice daily at breakfast and lunch for 12 weeks results in a 5.8 pound weight loss on average and a 6.6% reduction in body fat, while placebo subjects experience no significant weight or body fat loss. The extract group also lost on average two inches off their waist and hip circumference.


In a human study, subjects supplemented with citrus fruit/seed shed 9.73% of their white abdominal fat stores. This nearly 10% loss of abdominal fat promoted a healthy inflammatory response.


Proper use of this citrus fruit/seed blend can help jump-start a weight-loss program.


Mediterranean Trim: Low-Cost Support for Healthy Weight Management


Mediterranean Trim contains a synergistic blend of polyphenolic compounds specially selected from potent Mediterranean citrus fruits that have been shown to aid in the breakdown of stored body fat.


Mediterranean Trim also contains an extract from the Brazilian guarana seed that has been shown to reduce localized fat deposits via similar mechanisms. The suggested dose is 450 mg, twice daily at breakfast and at lunch.


Mediterranean Trim with Sinetrol™-XPur should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Although real-world results often vary from what is observed in placebo-controlled studies, you could experience similar benefits found in the clinical trial participants using these active ingredients.


Read the entire label and follow the directions carefully prior to use.

Take one (1) capsule twice daily at breakfast and lunch, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. Each serving contains approximately 10 mg of caffeine (the amount found in about 1/4 cup of brewed green tea).


This supplement should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Results may vary.

Free Of
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


