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현대인의 92%는 비타민 결핍 상태입니다.

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하루 1컵의 유기농 쥬스로 지치고 힘든 우리 몸에

에너지를 높이고, 몸을 정화하고, 최상의 신체 컨디션을 유지해주세요.

오가닉 파이(Organifi) 는 미국 각종 언론(NBC, Fox, 리더스 다이제스트,닥터오즈 등)을 통해

극찬을 받고 있는 유기농 건강기능식품 브랜드 입니다.

(오가닉파이) 바이오틱 밸런스 프로바이오틱 500억 마리 (30정)


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-  20-14 제품의 제품보다 우리몸에 좋은 유산균이 2.5배 더 많아 효과가 더 좋은 제품입니다.

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 해당 제품은 유산균 증식 및 유해균 억제 및 배변활동 원활에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.

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-  글루텐이 함유되지 않은 제품입니다. (Gluten Free)

-  유전자 조작 식품으로 제조하지 않은 제품입니다. (Non-GMO)

-  GMP Certified(Good Manufacturing Practice) 미국 제조 품질관리 기준 인증을 받은 제품입니다.

-  USDA Organic 까다로운 미국 농무성 USDA공식 유기농 인증마크를 획득한 제품입니다.

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-  하루에 1캡슐을 물과함께 섭취하세요.

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-  어린이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.

Now You Can Get 10 Super Strains of Powerful Probiotics In One Place!

Fix your digestion for faster weight loss and more energy with Biotic Balance Probiotics.  At last there’s an all natural probiotic with more than double the CFUs as other leading brands!

Biotic Balance is a vegan probiotic capsule with ten of the worlds most potent probiotic strains.  Each strain is specifically chosen to fix your digestion, stop bloating, soothe stomach pain, reduce inflammation in your gut, and improve fat loss.

Remember, in one capsule per day, you get 50 billion CFUs of the probiotic strains you see below:

Bacterium lactis - improves immunity, attacks tumors, drives digestion and can decrease cholesterol.

Bacterium breve - as we age, this bacteria reduces drastically, but it’s very important.  Bacterium breve breaks down sugars in the digestive tract, reducing indigestion and stomach pain.

Bacterium longum - assists in breaking down grains, legumes, and cruciferous vegetables that some people can’t digest properly.  This assures that we absorb every precious nutrient from our foods.

Lactobacillus acidophilus - creates vitamin K as a byproduct, which helps blood clotting and bone formation.  L. acidophilus is also absolutely vital in the digestion of any dairy product, and if you have issues with dairy, a lack of this bacteria could be the issue.

Lactobacillus casei - produces lactic acid in the digestive system, which helps lower the pH of your body.  L. casei also stops the growth of harmful bacteria, as well as reduces inflammation.

Lactobacillus plantarum - creates a boundary in your colon to prevent nasty bacteria from colonizing.  This reduces infections and occurrences of common illnesses.

Lactobacillus paracasei - this bacteria has been used to treat pollen allergies, as well as relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Lactobacillus salivarius - a protective bacteria that produces acids to kill harmful bacteria.  It prevents intestinal infections and even resides in our saliva to prevent tooth decay.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus - recent studies show that this probiotic has the unique ability to boost metabolism and aid in the fat burning process.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus - a self regulating good bacteria that stimulates the growth of the other healthy probiotics.