심플리 오가닉


[심플리오가닉] 진저 1.64oz (46g)
[Simply Organic] Ginger 1.64oz (46g)

>> 심플리 오가닉 브랜드 스토리 <<
우리 아이들이 살아갈 지구를 지키려면 농약을 비롯한 화학재료의 사용을 배제시켜야 한다는 아주 심플한 논리로 2001년 시작된 심플리 오가닉은 작은 선택이 큰 변화를 만든다는 모토를 가지고 유기농 제품을 생산하고 있습니다. 또한 전세계의 소규모 유기농 재배 농장을 직접 찾아 선별한 뒤, 공정거래 무역법을 따라 제품을 생산하는 것은 물론 소득의 1%는 해비타트 사업에 후원하는 등 나 혼자가 아닌 모두가 함께 더불어 사는 행복한 지구를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있답니다.

>> 제품특징 <<
- 공정거래 무역 준수
- USDA 유기농 인증
- QAI 인증
- 코셔 인증

>> 제품설명 <<
- 말린 생강을 갈은 파우더 입니다.
- 따뜻하고 달콤한 맛이 납니다.
- 베이킹 혹은 각종 요리에 첨가 하십시오.

>> 사이즈 <<
-  1.64oz / 46g

>> 사용방법 <<
- 적당량을 원하는 요리에 첨가하여 사용하세요.

>> 주의사항 <<
- 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관 하십시오.
- 아이들의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관 하십시오.

[해외][심플리오가닉] 진저 1.64oz (46g)
Simply Organic Ginger 1.64oz (46g)

USDA Organic
Certified Organic by QAI
Enjoyed in cu
isines the world over for its warm, spicy-sweet aroma and flavor, ginger complements both sweet (think gingerbread) and
savory (think stir fry) dishes.
It's available in whole root, cut and sifted, powdered, and crystallized, so you can choose the perfect form for your perfect dish.
A perennial, tropical plant with aromatic, tuberous roots, ginger is one of over 50 species of the genus zingiber.
While several of these species are cultivated for food use, the spice we know as ginger is Zingiber officinale.
The rhizome, or root of the ginger plant, is the part we use as a spice.
The candied rhizome of the ginger plant is sold as crystallized ginger, and dried ginger that has been ground is sold as ground ginger.

Originating in tropical Southeast Asia, ginger has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years.
Ancient medical records indicate that it was used in teas, baths, and chest compresses,
and texts dating as far back as ancient China and India suggest ginger for healthy digestion.
The Romans introduced ginger to Northern Europe, where it was used in cakes, biscuits and other sweet dishes.
By the 14th century, it rivaled pepper in popularity, and when the plague hit, ginger, with its antiseptic properties and sulfur content,
was considered by some a worthy antidote.

Ginger's warm, spicy-sweet flavor and pungent aroma are unmistakable.
It's a universally popular flavoring that lends its name to three familiar foods--gingerbread, gingersnaps and ginger ale.
It's also popular in stir-fries and sauces, and in spice blends like curry powder.
Used in a wide variety of sweet and spicy dishes, ginger blends well with many other spices.
It's essential in Oriental cooking and especially prevalent in the cuisines of India, China, Thailand, Northern Africa,
Japan and the Caribbean countries. Ginger wines are a popular wintertime beverage in England.
In the U.S., ginger lends its hot, spicy flavor to condiments, relishes, pickles, beverages and all types of desserts.

A way to eat. The way to live.

We're here to fill your life with honest-to-goodness good food.
The kind of food that you remember, deep down. Fresh. Wholesome. Brimming with flavor and life.
It can only be found in organically grown foods.

Suggested Use
To substitute ground ginger for fresh, use 1/2 teaspoon ground for each tablespoon fresh called for in a recipe.
Ground ginger is an essential spice for gingerbread and is also good in biscuits, preserves, chutneys, marmalades and a variety of desserts.
Try it in pickles and with pork, chicken and beef. Add it to pumpkin or apple pie, cookies, carrot and sweet potatoes dishes.

Supplement Facts
Organic ginger