
[스펙트럼] 그라운드 치아씨드 10oz (283g)
[Spectrum] Essentials Ground Chia Seed OMEGA-3 & FIBER

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- 단백질, 섬유소, 오메가 3, 6 성분을 함유하고 있습니다.
- 빻은 치아씨드 입니다.

>> 사이즈 <<
- 10oz / 283g

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- 하루에 2-4 스푼을 음료나 물에 섞어 드십시오.
- 요거트나 샐러드, 빵에 섞어 섭취할 수 있습니다.

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[스펙트럼] 그라운드 치아씨드 10oz (283g)

Spectrum Essentials Ground Chia Seed OMEGA-3 & FIBER 


NEW! Ready to Use!

2.4g Omega-3

Finely Ground • Cold Milled

Neutral Taste • 4g Dietary Fiber Per Serving

Higher in Antioxidant Acitvity than Blueberries

Rich in Omega-3 (ALA) Fatty Acids


Spectrum has taken this diet staple of the Aztecs and ground it into a fine powder to create some fabulous new ways to use Chia Seed. 

Now it can be easily blended into all types of dishes and used in baking.


Chia Seed is a nutritional powerhouse with a lengthy list of benefits. 

It is a valuable source of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA),an Omega-2 essential fatty acid that helps support normal cardiovascular function and fiber 

which helps support normal functioning of the4 digestive tract and can have a positive effect on cholesterol. 

With its versatility and mild, nutty flavor, Chia Seed is a beneficial addition to any diet.


2 Tbsp. daily. Add to yogurt, cereal, smoothies or salads. 

When mixed with water, Ground Chia Seed forms a gel that functions as an excellent binding agent in baking. 

Mix 3 tbsp. water with 1 tbsp. Ground Chia Seed, then stir and let sit for 5-10 minutes before adding. 

Consult your healthcare practitioner for your individual needs.


Refrigerate After Opening: 

The light-protective pouch as been flushed with an inert gas and sealed airtight to ensure optimum nutritive benefits and maximum product freshness. 

To store, pres air out of pouch and seal tightly. Best if used within 3-4 months after opening. Can be frozen to extend shelf life.

Free Of

Gluten, preservatives.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
