트레디셔널 메디컬 티

[해외][트레디셔널 메디컬 티] 백 온 트랙 우먼스 티 16티백
Traditional Medicals Tea Tea-Back On Tract Womens (16)

Formerly Cran-Aid
Since 1974
Created by Herbalists
Promotes Urinary Tract Health
Hibiscus Cranberry
Naturally Caffeine Free Herbal Tea
Herbal Supplement
Fair Trade Certified Ingredients
Certified B Corporation
Orthosiphon Stamineus

A member of the mint family, Java tea hails from the island of Java and the surrounding area of the Republic of Indonesia.
The leaves of this tropical heat lover are harvested year round and can be found throughout Southeast Asia.
A healthy full addition to the world's herbal traditions, its power to support urinary tract health has been the particular focus of interest since the early 1900s.

We've Got the Right Stuff
We raise the bar. The quality standard of the herbs we use is hard to pronounce, difficult to meet, and it's what makes us different, better.
We're not ashamed to say it. Pharmacopoeial: it's the only quality standard our herbalists can rely on when blending teas for your health and wellness.

Tart and supportive.

Herbal Power
Promotes and maintains urinary tract health.

Reason to Love
Sometime veering off the beaten path is not the best kind of adventure, and you need an herbal companion to steer you back to the straight and narrow.
We love this tea for its ability to maintain and promote urinary tract health and help you get Back on Tract.
Our herbalists have combined Java tea and cornsilk-herbs traditionally used to help your body remove waste and extra water through the urinary
tract- with hibiscus and cranberry for a rich and fruity taste.

Rich and fruity, pepperminty and slightly sweet.

Suggested Use
To Enjoy
Pour 8 oz. freshly boiled water over 1 tea bag.
Cover cup & steep for 10-15 minutes
Squeeze tea bag to ensure maximum goodness in your cup.
Enjoy 3 cups daily.

Other Ingredients
40% Certified organic ingredients

Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or breastfeeding, if you have impaired kidney function,
or if symptoms persist or worsen. Not recommended for use with children under 12 years of age.

트레디셔널 메디컬 티