
[해외][나트롤] 흡수율 높은 아연 7.5mg (60)
Natrol High Absorption Zinc 7.5mg Chew (60)

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-  60 츄어블 타블렛 (2개월분)

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Natrol High Absorption Zinc Natural Pineapple Description
Supports a Healthy Immune System
Boosts Cellular Metabolism

Why Minerals Matter:
Minerals are especially important for your overall health. In fact, your blood, bones, nervous system, cells,
tissues, and immune system all rely on them to keep your body operation at peak levels.
In their natural form, minerals are not absorbed well by our bodies. Sure, our bodies try, by a natural process called chelation,
to convert the minerals found in supplements into a more absorbable, organic form.
However, this biological chelation is often flawed, which means the minerals we need often pass right through our bodies, unused.
Why Natrol High Absorption Zinc Matters:
If you don't absorb it, you flush it - along with the time and money you're investing in your health.
Natrol High Absorption Zinc features chelated Zinc with up to 20 times greater absorption of a key mineral your body needs.
Zinc High Absorption
Supports a Healthy Immune System
Boosts Cellular Metabolism
Helps Promote Healthy Hair
Helps Maintain a Healthy Reproductive System
Great Taste! No water needed
Natrol® High Absorption Zinc utilizes AbsorbSmart™ technology to bring you chelated Zinc with up to 20 times greater absorption.
Chelated Zinc is a unique form of Zinc manufactured using a patented technology that helps increase its absorbability by your digestive system.
Naturally flavored in a delicious chewable tablet.

Take one tablet twice daily with food. Tablets should be chewed before swallowing. No water necessary.

Free Of
Milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, yeast, artificial colors, flavors and added preservatives.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.