
[해외][사이토스포츠] 머슬밀크 프로틴 초콜릿 4.94lb (2,240g)
Cytosport Muscle Milk Chocolate 4.94 lbs (2,240g)

>> 제품특징 <<
-  맛과 품질 모두 #1, 미국 베스트셀러 머슬밀크 제품입니다
-  식사대용 가능합니다.
-  근육성장을 위한 효율적인 성분만으로 구성되었습니다.
-  에너지 공급과 근육성장에 도움을 줍니다.
-  운동선수, 보디빌더, 단백질 섭취가 필요하신 분께 도움이 됩니다.
-  EvoPro™ 최상의 단백질 조합
-  LeanLipids™ 체지방연소
-  복합 탄수화물
   필요로 하는 에너지원을 효과적으로 사용할수 있게 도와 드리며, 구성성분중 섬유소는 물론 건강을 유지하는데 도움을 드립니다.
-  유당 100% 제거
-  미국 단백질 보충제 시장에서 가장 맛있는 보충제로 유명한 머슬밀크!

>> 섭취방법 <<
-  1회 섭취시 2스쿱을 300~350ml 물에 타서 드십시오.
-  머슬밀크 최상의 맛을 느끼시려면 저지방 우유에 타서 드십시오.
-  운동 한시간 전과 운동 직후 30분 이내에 드시는 것이 가장 효과적입니다.

>> 보관방법 <<
- 서늘하고 건조한곳에 보관하세요.
- 어린 아이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.

>> 주의사항 <<
- 임산부나 수유중인 분들은 복용을 하지마세요.
- 알레르기 체질이거나 특이체질인 경우 성분을 확인후 섭취하세요.
- 본제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닙니다.
- 이상이 있을 경우 복용을 멈추고 전문의사와 상담하세요.

CytoSport Muscle Milk® Chocolate Description.
Nature's Ultimate Lean Muscle Protein
32 g Lean Protein
Lactose Free
20 Vitamins & Minerals
Pre and Post Workout

When Muscle Milk was first introduced, we attempted to emulate human mother's milk, one of nature's most complete and balanced foods.
In doing that, Muscle Milk created a new category of protein products, while setting a new standard for both taste and performance.
As a result, Muscle Milk has become America's favorite protein drink.

Precision Protein Blend Muscle Milk contains a precise blend of proteins designed to create the optimal environment for exercise recovery
and muscle growth. This precision protein blend contains rapid-releasing whey and slower digesting micellar casein from milk protein
isolate/concentrate plus calcium and sodium caseinates.
This creates a constant supply of amino acids, the building blocks of muscle tissue.

Choose The Right Kind of Fat! The Lean Lipids™ used in Muscle Milk are more likely burned for muscle energy and heat then stored as fat.
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), the pre-digested, fast-burning fats help provide the caloric energy needed to fuel exercise and recovery.
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids from canola and sunflower oil provide essential omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.

Choose Carbohydrates Wisely Low-sugar, high-fiber complex carbs are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.
the starch-based complex carbs found in Muscle Milk supply energy to the body in the form of glucose.
Glucose is the only energy source for red blood cells and a preferred energy source of anaerobically exercising muscles.

Mix 1 scoop (35 g) into 5-6 fl oz water. Mix 2 scoops (70 g) into 10-12 fl oz water.

Muscle Milk can be used before workouts, after workouts, or prior to bedtime.
Individual nutritional requirements vary depending on gender, body weight, level of activity and exercise/training intensity.
CytoSport products complement a healthful eating and hydration plan that, when combined with a balanced exercise program,
may contribute to healthy weight management and recovery from exercise.

Use 1-3 servings (35 g per serving) per day as part of a well-balanced diet that includes whole foods and other protein sources.
Do not use this product as your sole source of nutrition.
Free Of
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
