뉴챕터 브랜드

(뉴챕터) 홀메가 엄마를 위한 오메가 3 500mg (90정)
New Chapter Wholemega for Moms 500mg (90)

>>  포장 단위  <<
-  90소프트젤 (22.5일분)

>>  제품 설명  <<
-  뉴쳅터는 올가닉 건강기능식품을 만드는 브랜드로 유기농,Non-GMO를 추구합니다.
-  임신 수유기간중 아이에게 DHA와 오메가3 성분을 제공합니다.
-  아이의 건강한 두뇌발달과 눈발달에 도움을 줍니다.

>>  섭취 방법  <<
-  하루에 4정을 물과함께 섭취하세요.

>>  주의 사항  <<
-  본 제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닙니다.
-  알레르기 체질이거나 특이체질인 경우 의사선생님과 상담하고 드시길 바랍니다.
-  의사처방, 의사처방전을 받고 의약품을 복용하고 계신 경우 (혈압, 당뇨등) 섭취 전 의사선생님과 상담 후 섭취하시길 바랍니다.
-  어린 아이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.

>>  보관방법  <<
-  직사광선이 없는 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하세요.

New Chapter Wholemega® for Moms Description
Delivers prenatal DHA and other Omega-3 fatty acids important during both pregnancy and lactation*
For expecting or nursing moms, Wild Salmon oil supports baby's healthy brain and eye development*
100% Sustainably Caught Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil includes 17 Omegas-3, 5, 6, 7 & 9's with Prenatal DHA & EPA, Vitamin D3 and the antioxidant Astaxanthin
Tiny & easy-to-swallow fish oil supplements are fresh-pressed - no isolating of single Omegas, no fractionation, no heavy or high heat processing
Wild Salmon Oil, Gluten Free, No Artificial Flavors, No Sweeteners (added to some fish oil gummies)
Wholemega for Moms fish oil supplement is made from 100% Sustainably Caught Wild Alaskan Salmon oil that is extra-virgin and naturally pure and supports both your health and your baby’s. If you're looking for prenatal DHA or a supplement to take when nursing, Wholemega has Salmon's whole spectrum of Omega fatty acids, including those essential Omega 3s. Support your baby's healthy brain and eye development?and your health too?with Wholemega for Moms during pregnancy and lactation.*

New Chapter: A Leader in Supplement Quality.

New Chapter takes a sustainable, whole-food approach to vitamins and supplements that deliver industry-leading standards of quality: Every ingredient. Every product. Every time.

From concept to bottle, our products are responsibly sourced, expertly formulated, and meticulously manufactured. New Chapter tests for purity, potency and identity with independent third-party labs. Our certified organic and Non-GMO Project Verified products go through a detailed credentialing process, and our ingredients are sustainably sourced?organic Turmeric from India, wild-caught Salmon from the clean waters of Alaska, Red Marine Algae from Iceland’s pristine coastline.

We believe the best way to deliver the healing Wisdom of Nature is through safe, effective, and high quality products made with Earth’s pure ingredients. New Chapter’s industry-leading quality process ensures you are getting exactly what is listed on our bottles: Every ingredient. Every Product. Every Time.

With Gratitude, from Vermont.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Four softgels daily with food
Free Of
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
