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Apex Deluxe Pill Splitter

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Apex Deluxe Pill Splitter Description
The Measure of Excellence in Self Care
Double-Beveled German Steel Blade Stays Sharp!
Optical Grade Polycarbonate
Flexible Non-Slip Cutting Surface Pill Grip
Suggested Use
Set open splitter on firm surface, and place pill in the point of the Pill Grip of the "V".
Lower lid until splitter blade lightly touches pill surface and look at position from clear view above.
Look at pill positioning through clear view above and make any final adjustments on Pill Grip surface.
Press lightly to split pill.
To Clean: After each use, wash in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly to remove any residue left behind from splitting. Do not wash in dishwasher.

Do not attempt to remove Blade Guard. The Blade Guard will retract when closing the Ultra Pill Splitter allowing the blade to cut the pill.

Caution: Contains cutting edge. Keep out of reach of children.

Pill Splitters should not be used to cut certain pills. Consult your pharmacist or physician before cutting any medications.