
[요기티] 스킨 디톡스 티 (16티백)
[Yogi Tea] Skin Detox Tea 16 bg

>> 요기티 브랜드 스토리 <<
아유르베다의 전통 향료인 카다몬, 계피, 클로버, 생강, 검은 후추를 조합하여 만드는 요기티는 약 70여개의 성분을 배합하여 41 가지의 다양한 제품을 생산하고 있습니다. 요기티는 엄격한 관리하에 재배된 유기농 원료만을 사용하고 있으며, 스위스의 IMO 와 같이 권위있는 기관에서 국제 유기농 인증을 받아 안심하고 마실 수 있는 차로 전세계인에게 사랑받고 있습니다. 또한 소중한 원료를 허락해 주는 지구를 보호하기 위해 앞장서고 있습니다.

>> 제품특징 <<
- 100% 천연 원료
- USDA 인증
- AQI 인증
- 코셔 인증
- 유기농 성분

>> 제품기능 <<
- 체내 독소를 배출시키는데 도움을 줍니다.
- 좀 더 맑고, 투명한 피부로 가꾸는데 도움을 줍니다.
- 건강하고 글로우한 피부로 가꾸는데 도움을 줍니다.

>> 사이즈 <<
- 16 티백

>> 사용방법 <<
- 따뜻한 물에 4~6분 정도 잘 우려내 드십시오.
- 기호에따라 차게 드셔도 괜찮습니다.

>> 주의사항 <<
- 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관 하십시오.
- 아이들의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관 하십시오.
- 임산부의 경우 의사와의 상담 후에 섭취할 것을 권장 합니다.

[해외][요기티] 스킨 디톡스 티 (16티백)
Yogi Tea Skin Detox Tea 16 bg

Helps Purify the Skin
100% Natural
Herbal Tea Supplement
Low Caffeine
Made with Organic Green Tea
Certified Organic by QAI
Oxygen-bleached tea bags

Each tea bag contains approximately 18 mg of caffeine, as compared to approximately 90 mg in 8 oz of coffee.
Purify Your Skin from the Inside Out!
Our skin reflects our diet and lifestyle choices: it's the mirror to internal health.
It's just as essential to cleanse from the inside; by reducing internal impurities, you can have clearer, glowing skin.
Yogi skin DeTox was formulated to support a healthy skin care regimen by shedding impurities.
Fragrant Rose Petal and Hibiscus, used in Ayurveda to cool and soothe the skin, entice the senses with a fresh, floral scent.
Traditional liver-cleansers Burdock and Yellow Dock combined with ancient "blood cleansing" Red Clover help purify the skin,
and Organic Green Tea rejuvenates with an antioxidant boost.
Discover beauty from within in a deliciously cleansing brew of Skin DeTox!

Yogi Principles
Tasting great is essential, but it isn't enough. If what we make doesn't taste great and leave you feeling great, we won't make it.
We think before we blend. How will our recipes work with body and mind?
Health is found in nature. We work with what nature already offers rather than trying to concoct it. We don't have laboratories.
We have kitchens.
Creative combinations can optimize what nature has to offer.
Ever added peppermint to ginger? They work together to produce a remarkably fresh and innovative taste... and a remarkable level of energy.
Whenever possible, we work with wholes, not parts. For instance, we don't add vitamin C. We add rose hips, which are natural rich in vitamin C.

Suggested Use
Get the most out of every cup
Bring water to boiling and steep 5 to 10 minutes.
To help your skin feel healthy and revitalized, drink 1 to 3 cups anytime during the day.
For a stronger effect, use 2 tea bags.

Other Ingredients
Natural rose flavor, organic pomegranate flavor.

Not to be used during pregnancy. Consult your physician before use if you have a history of kidney stones.