누비안 헤리티지

[누비안 헤리티지] 아프리칸 블랙솝 바 솝 5oz
[Nubian Heritage] Bar Soap African Black 5 oz

>> 특징 <<
- 방부제 No, 인공향 No, 색소 No, 화학성분 No
- 피부 트러블 케어를 위한 제품으로 시어버터와 비타민E, 알로에베라, 등이
손상된 피부를 개선하고 수분과 영양을 공급하여 촉촉하고 부드럽게 해줍니다.
- 화학적인 성분이 아닌 겸증된 유기농 원료만을 사용하여 가족 모두가 사용 가능하며,
특히 지복합성 및 지성 피부타입에 사용하시면 좋습니다.

>> 용도 <<
- 향긋한 나무숲 향.
- 샤워 혹은 세안 시 거품을 내어 사용하세요.

>> 성분 <<
- 100% 식물성 비누
- 시어버터, 바나나추출물, 파파야효소, 코코넛오일, 팜오일, 오트밀, 알로에잎추출물, 토코페롤(비타민E) 등.

>> 용량 <<
- 5oz / 141g

>> 주의 <<
- 고온 내지 저온의 장소 또는 직사광선을 피하여 유,소아의 손이 닿지 않는 곳애 보관하세요.
- 상처나 피부염이 있는 부위에는 사용을 금하시고 사용 중 붉은 반점,자극 등의 이상이 있는 경우,
사용을 중지하고 전문의에게 상담하십시요.

Acne Fighting ~ Detoxifying ~ Healing
African Black Soap, made from palm ash, tamarind extract, tar and plantain peel has been used in Africa for centuries to treat eczema, acne,
oily skin, psoriasis, and other skin ailments. Historical references to shea butter, a staple of African pharmacology,
date back to the reported shea butter caravans of Cleopatra's Egypt.
Nubian Heritage's authentic African Black Soap combines shea butter's healing and hydrating properties with the ancient medicinal properties of palm ash,
plantain peel, tar and tamarind to balance and resolve problem skin. Our deep cleansing formula aids exfoliation and promotes new cell growth to reveal radiant,
fresh, even and healthy skin.
Humble Beginnings
In 1992, fresh out of college without jobs,
Rich and Nyema embarked on a personal mission to produce high quality bath and body products utilizing all-natural ingredients
and ancient healing philosophies from around the globe. Nubian Heritage is the brainchild of these lifelong friends,
turned New York street vendors, who simply grew frustrated with the inferior quality, high chemical content, poor selection and exorbitant prices of skin care products.
Today Nubian Heritage has hundreds of all-natural and organic products and although they are no longer made in bath tubs or kitchen sinks,
little else has changed. They are still obsessed with fair trade ingredients, ancient healing philosophies, community commerce and culturally authentic products.
Ethically traded ingredients.
Certified organic ingredients.
Sustainably produced.
No animal testing.
Cruelty free.
Made in USA
African Black Soap (Base), Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Meal, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice,
Plantain Extract, Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Vegetable Glycerin, Mineral Pigment, Vegetable Color, Essential Oil Blend